Hareka Corporation.  (Former name JP-BeNAS)  


GNU Free Documentation License

author = Silver Spoon 2012-09- 08

by Wikipedia 

        The earth's axis of the earth inclines to 23.4 degrees.  
        And the earth revolves around the sun.  
        And the four seasons are formed.  
        The change is complicated in fuzzy.  
        However, the four season rotates by all means.  
        The atmospheric circulation of blood is fuzzy.
At the same time, there are fractal-like recurrence characteristics.
        I can find significant "knowledge" statistically there.  
        The human utilized the knowledge from ancient times.  



The knowledge of the earth is ”earth heritage".


"The SES international cooperation project" makes them a library in high IT technique and know-how.

        We contribute to the society in the library.  
        ”The use of the past weather is wisdom of the human.”  
        ”The past weather is science.”  
        ”It is to utilize science to use the past weather.”  
        ”The past weather does not have a race and the border.”  
        ”Anyone has the value anywhere.”  
        ”The human is common to the value.”  
        I will watch a share by weather of one day at a time for past ten years.  
        Then I understand a tendency whether or not the day is apt to clear.  
        During one year, it is convenient if I easily understand it which time is apt to clear on which day.   
        It was the difficult problem which thought that the magic such as the movie was necessary.  
        In morning with several years later, a certain thought appeared.  

The average of the daylight hours of 10 years is usable as a physical scientific objectivity-like standard.

        I can display a day to want to see it in 1 click.  
        It is birth of the user experience that is good to us who are busy.  
          I click a day to want to see it!  Moment indication!  
        Because I have effect of the warming of the earth, I do not use the data before ten years or more.  

The search for ”rainy day of the benefit” is a click instant, too.

        >You can know the clear days of number of times..  
        That clear is between latest 10 years.  

You can know the rainy days.

        You can know the day with more than 5mm of precipitation.  
        During latest ten years.  
        3day Shining Sky Japan Tools (w1920 x h1080 size)  

Tokyo 8/3 - 8/5 weather for 20 years. Pleaze Click to tha cell, which You want to see. ↑

        Sapporo 7/6 - 7/8 weather for 20 years are Fine. ↓  
        Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture 8/25 - 8/27 weather for 20 years is Fine. This period is suitable for climbing Mt. Fuji.  
        Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture 8/27 - 8/29 weather for 20 years is Fine. This period is suitable for climbing Mt. Fuji.  
        Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture 8/13 - 8/15 weather for 20 years is Rainy. This period is not suitable for climbing Mt. Fuji.  
        The image is displayed at this size at fullscreen.   

7day Shining Sky Japan Tools (w1920 x h1080 size)


Kyoto 7/3 - 7/9 weather is Rainy for 10 years.

        Kyoto 7/29 - 8/4 weather is Fine for 10 years.  

We watch a share at a time in a mass for past several decades of the weather of one day.

        Then We can grasp the tendency of the season of the earth of the time on that day.  
        The weather general condition visualizes all elements.  

This software display the all phenomenon of fine weather, rain, cloudy, snow, clear, slightly cloudy, thunder, hail, sleet, rainstorm, heavy rain, heavy wind, heavy snow, fog, a drizzle, the snowstorm.


The rainy indication changes "the size to open of the umbrella" according to the precipitation that fell.

        We can grasp a tendency of the time in the point, a half year for point, three months for one month.  

This software support our ”memory” from a ”record” exactly.

        It achieve the role of the precious "area history".  
        We can make use of a lesson of past meteorological disaster in disaster prevention activity.  
         National 59 areas data  

1)Hokkaido 北海道: Sapporo 札幌・Wakkanai 稚内・Asahikawa 旭川・Abashiri 網走・Obihiro 帯広・Kushiro 釧路・Muroran 室蘭・Hakodate 函館

2)Tohoku 東北: Aomori 青森・Akita 秋田・Morioka 盛岡・Yamagata 山形・Fukushima 福島・Sendai 仙台

3)Kanto 関東: Tokyo 東京・Utsunomiya 宇都宮・Maebashi 前橋・Kumagaya 熊谷・Mito 水戸・Yokohama 横浜・Choshi 銚子・Chichijima 父島・Niigata 新潟

4)Kanasai 関西: Toyama 富山・Kanazawa 金沢・Kobe 神戸・Gifu 岐阜・Nara 奈良・Tsu 津・Shizuoka 静岡・Fukui 福井・Kofu 甲府・Wakayama 和歌山・

Hikone 彦根・Nagano 長野・Osaka 大阪・Nagoya 名古屋・Kyoto 京都

5)Chugoku 中国: Hiroshima 広島・Matsue 松江・Tottori 鳥取・Okayama 岡山・Shimonoseki 下関

6)Shikoku 四国: Matsuyama 松山・Takamatsu 高松・Tokushima 徳島・Kochi 高知

7)Kyushu 九州: Fukuoka
福岡・Nagasaki 長崎・Saga 佐賀・Oita 大分・Kumamoto 熊本・Miyazaki 宮崎・Kagoshima 鹿児島

8)Okinawa 沖縄: Naha 那覇・Naze 名瀬・Ishigakijima 石垣島・Miyakojima 宮古島・Minamidaitojima 南大東島



・Hokkaido 北海道 − Otaru 小樽・Iwamizawa 岩見沢・Tomakomai 苫小牧・Kutchan 倶知安・Haboro 羽幌・Rumoi 留萌・Kitamiesashi 北見枝幸・Oumu 雄武・Monbetsu 紋別・Esashi 江差・Suttsu 寿都・Urakawa 浦河・Hiroo 広尾・Nemuro 根室
・Tohku 東北 − Wakamatsu 若松・Wajima 輪島・Ishinomaki 石巻・Shinjo 新庄・Mutsu むつ・Shirakawa 白河・Ofunato 大船渡・Hachinohe 八戸・Miyako 宮古・Fukaura 深浦・Onahama 小名浜・Sakata 酒田
・Kanto 関東 − Tateno 館野・Miyakejima 三宅島・Tateyama 館山・Ajiro 網代・Kawaguchiko 河口湖・Chichibu 秩父・Irozaki 石廊崎・Nikko 日光・Aikawa 相川・Katsuura 勝浦・Minamitorishima 南鳥島・Hachijojima 八丈島・Karuizawa 軽井沢・Oshima 大島・Chiba 千葉・Omaezaki 御前崎
・Kinki 近畿・Chubu 中部 − Shionomisaki 潮岬・Owase 尾鷲・Matsumoto 松本・Takada 高田・Tsuruga 敦賀・Mishima 三島・Ueno 上野・Irako 伊良湖・Fushiki 伏木・Hamamtsu 浜松・Suwa 諏訪・Yokkaichi 四日市・Iida 飯田・Takayam 高山
・Chugoku 中国 − Maizuru 舞鶴・Saigo 西郷・Yonago 米子・Toyooka 豊岡・Hamada 浜田・Himeji 姫路・Sakai 境・Tsuyama 津山・Hagi 萩・Kure 呉・Fukuyama 福山・Sumoto 洲本・Yamaguchi 山口
・Shikoku 四国 − Sukumo 宿毛・Tadotsu 多度津・Uwajima 宇和島・Shimizu 清水・Murotomisaki 室戸岬
・Kyushu 九州 − Izuhara 厳原・Fukue 福江・Iizuka 飯塚・Aburatsu 油津・Makurazaki 枕崎・Ushibuka 牛深・Hitoyoshi 人吉・Hita 日田・Hirado 平戸・Nobeoka 延岡・Saseboo 佐世保・Miyakonojo 都城・Akune 阿久根
・Okinawa 沖縄 − Yakushima 屋久島・Tanegashima 種子島・Okinoerabujima 沖永良部島・Nago 名護・Kumejima 久米島・Yonagunijim 与那国島

        * There are not the weather general condition data at the AMEDAS observation spot.  
        * This?area?classification?is?temporary?division.  

* Because it is not the division in the administrative concept, or a geography concept, thank you for your understanding .

        * I won "Excellent Prize" with "Digital Content Grand Prix 2001" of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.  

・In "Mado no Mori" of inpress company , I reviewed twice.

        ・"Mado no Mori" Review site 2003/02/19  
        ・"Mado no Mori" Review site 2003/07/02  

・I showed it, and, three months later,

it became basic software of Vector company.

        "Vector" Review site  
        Ranking of the popularity, attention degree order  

・Michelin Guide of the software,

It was evaluated by European Softnic Corporation, it is rated nine stars★★★★★★★★★(A maximum of ten)

        Michelin Guide of the software European Softnic Corporation  
        Michelin Guide of the software rated nine stars  

・Windows 10, 11, Apple Mac BootCamp, Correspondence.


・I provide it in a Zip file of the downloading.

        ・License specifications to have you use it with 3 PC.  
        ・Data are added to this database every year.  
        ・It is necessary to purchase so that you use the latest edition every year.  



・I adopt high-speed SQLite database engine system.

        ・How to Installation Text pdf    Here  
        ・How to Installation Picture    Here (Japanese)    
        ・pamphlet pdf    Here  
        ・WEB Site of developer  Here  
        ・Trial version Download  Here  

”The style to utilize a weather forecast and statistics weather.”

It is a new lifestyle of the new age.

        ”Hareka” contribute to the society in statistics science.